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"O Bosambo," said he, "there is no money for this palaver, but a green crocodile I must have because the evil people of the Lower Isisi say I have put a spell on their land because I slew the Green One, M'zooba, also this crocodile must I have before the moon is due. My Lord M'ilitani has sent me many powerful messages to this effect." This was another matter, and Bosambo looked dubious.

"As green!" repeated Hamilton quickly, "where are we?" He looked with a swift glance along the shore for landmarks. "I hope to goodness you have not shot old M'zooba," he said. "I don't know your friend by name," said Bones, "but why shouldn't I shoot him?" "Because, you silly ass," said Hamilton, "she is a sort of sacred crocodile."

Behold now in the pool and you shall come with me to see this wonder is one greater than M'zooba, a vast and splendid spirit which shall protect your crops and be as M'zooba was, and better than was M'zooba. All this I have done for you." "Lord Tibbetti has done for you," prompted Bones, in a hoarse whisper. "All this have I done for you," repeated Hamilton firmly, "because I love you."

Sometimes M'zooba would go afield, leaving the quietude of the creek and the pool, which was her own territory, for the more adventurous life of the river, and here one day she lay, the whole of her body submerged and only her wicked eyes within an eighth of an inch of the water's surface, when a timorous young roebuck came picking a cautious way through the forest across the open plantations to the water's edge.

They brought it to the surface, and Hamilton groaned. "It is M'zooba," he said in resigned exasperation. "Oh, Bones, what an ass you are!" Bones said nothing, but walked to the stern of the ship and lowered the blue ensign to half-mast a piece of impertinence which Hamilton did not discover till a long time afterwards.

No doubt but Hamilton had a serious task before him, for although the grievance which he had to allay was limited to the restricted area over which the spirit of M'zooba brooded, yet the people of the crocodile had many sympathizers who resented as bitterly as the affected parties this interference with what Downing Street called "local religious customs."