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In ten minutes the fighting regiments of the Ochori were sweeping through the forest, trackers going ahead to pick up the trail. "Let all gods hear me," sobbed Bosambo, as he ran, "and send M'gani swiftly to M'sambo my son." "Now this is very wonderful," said Lamalana, "and it seems, O my father, no matter for a small killing, but for a sacrifice such as all men may see."

All that day he sat before his hut and even sent away the wife of his heart and the child M'sambo, that the rest of M'gani of the N'gombi should not be disturbed. That night when darkness had come and the glowing red of hut fires grew dimmer, M'gani came from the hut. Bosambo had sent away the guard and accompanied his guest to the end of the village.

And, lord, do not the people of the Ochori say that this child M'sambo is the light of his father's life? O ko! Bosambo shall be sorry." Later they walked in the forest speaking, for they had no fear of the spirits which the last slanting rays of the dying sun unlocked from the trees.

"Lord," said Bosambo, "it is true that your lordship's child is wonderful, but I think that M'sambo is also wonderful. If your lordship will look with kind eyes he will see a certain cunning way which is strange in so young a one. Also he speaks clearly so that I understand him."