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But proceed, I beg. I will not interrupt you." "But then, on the other hand, it's not to be denied that Mr Chatterton's method of showing his anger was highly reprehensible." "His anger, Major M'Toddy!" "'Deed ay, just his anger ira furor brevis and it's really very excusable in a proud-spirited young man to resent his being jilted in such a sudden and barefaced manner."

Major M'Toddy, I am here to receive your message; pray deliver it, and let us settle this matter as soon as possible." "Whar's the calumny?" said the major. "You wadna have me to believe, Captain Smith, that the lady does not prefer you to him?"

I expect his message every moment. My name is Captain Smith." "And mine, Nicholas Clam, No. 4, Waterloo Place, Welling" "Then, gentlemen," said Major M'Toddy, lifting his hat, "I'm a lucky man fortunatus nimium, as a body may say, to find you both together; for I am charged with an invitation to you from my friend Mr Chatterton." "Oh! he wants to make it up, does he, and asks us to dinner? No.

Don't you say you have claims on me, and don't you talk of charges with vouchers, and heaven knows what? Come, let us hear. I'll give you a promissory note, and I daresay my friend Major M'Toddy will give me his security." "I thought you had recently succeeded to a fortune, sir? but that, I suppose, was only another of your false and unfounded assertions. Do you know me, sir?"