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Therefore, we recognize in EVE the pioneer of woman's rites, with ST. NICKOLAS as our patron saint. It was then resolved to send committees to the Democratic and Republican conventions, to see if any LOONATICS had been nominated, who were in favor of femail soopremiosity.

Why, I took him for a loonatic! They put the loonatics into them coloured weskits, don't they?" "Nothing of the sort. You're thinking of the warders," Mr. Rogers answered. "Oh? Then I made a mistake," said Mr. Goodfellow, cheerfully. "Look here, my friend, if you're thinking to play this off as a joke you'll find it no joking matter.

I expect we've both had enough of a lesson to do us." Orville did not speak. He fell on his knees and laid his head, like a boy, in his mother's lap, and reached one strong but trembling arm up to his wife's waist, drawing her down to him. Mrs. Endey got up and went to rattling things around on the table vigorously. "Well, I never see sech a pack o' loonatics!" she exclaimed.

I cimply desine givin the pints & Plot of a play I saw actid out at the theatre t'other nite, called Ossywattermy Brown or the Hero of Harper's Ferry. Ossywattermy had varis failins, one of which was a idee that he cood conker Virginny with a few duzzen loonatics which he had pickt up sumwhares, mercy only nose wher. He didn't cum it, as the sekel showed.