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Then Littrow said a different kind of ink had been used, probably after he had got back from his journey. On the other hand, there was a very singular case in which there had been a subsequent interlineation in ink of quite a different tint, which Littrow said nothing about.

"That Littrow, in arraying his proofs of Hell's forgery, should have failed to dwell upon the obvious difference between this ink and that with which the alterations were made leads me to suspect a defect in his sense of color." Then it occurred to me to inquire whether, perhaps, such could have been the case.

Then it occurred to me to inquire whether perhaps such could have been the case. So I asked Director Weiss whether anything was known as to the normal character of Littrow's power of distinguishing colors. His answer was prompt and decisive. "Oh yes, Littrow was color-blind to red. He could not distinguish between the color of Aldebaran and the whitest star." No further research was necessary.

A small ring-plain with a central mountain is connected with the S.W. wall; and, running in a N. direction from this, is a short mountain arm which joins a large circular enclosure with a low broken border standing on the N. side of the Mare Tranquilitatis. LITTROW. A peculiar ring-plain, rather smaller than the last, some distance N. of Vitruvius, on the rocky W. border of the Mare Serenitatis.

This seemed so curious that I wrote in my notes as follows: "That Littrow, in arraying his proofs of Hell's forgery, should have failed to dwell upon the obvious difference between this ink and that with which the alterations were made leads me to suspect a defect in his sense of color." The more I studied the description and the manuscript the stronger this impression became.

The Taurus Mountains extend from the west side of the Mare Serenitatis, near Le Monnier and Littrow, in a north-westerly direction towards Geminus and Berselius, bordering the west side of the Lacus Somniorum. They are a far less remarkable system than any of the preceding, and consist rather of a wild irregular mountain region than a range.