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"Good piece of oats," yawned the stranger listessly. "That's barley." "So 'tis. Didn't notice." Uncle Ethan was wondering who the man was. He had some pots of black paint in the wagon and two or three square boxes. "What do yeh think o' Cleveland's chances for a second term?" continued the man, as if they had been talking politics all the while. Uncle Ripley scratched his head.

And the President had other uses for the handful in the army. There came a rain-sodden night when a mysterious message arrived at the little house in Olive Street. Both anxiety and pride were in Mrs. Brice's eyes as they followed her son out of the door. At Twelfth Street two men were lounging on the corners, each of whom glanced at him listessly as he passed.

And the President had other uses for the handful in the army. There came a rain-sodden night when a mysterious message arrived at the little house in Olive Street. Both anxiety and pride were in Mrs. Brice's eyes as they followed her son out of the door. At Twelfth Street two men were lounging on the corners, each of whom glanced at him listessly as he passed.

As Robert opened the gate of the churchyard, and strolled listessly into the little inclosure, he became aware of the solemn music of an organ, audible through a half-open window in the steeple. He stopped and listened to the slow harmonies of a dreamy melody that sounded like an extempore composition of an accomplished player.

And the President had other uses for the handful in the army. There came a rain-sodden night when a mysterious message arrived at the little house in Olive Street. Both anxiety and pride were in Mrs. Brice's eyes as they followed her son out of the door. At Twelfth Street two men were lounging on the corners, each of whom glanced at him listessly as he passed.