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But if you wish to know the times, you must read Cassiodorus thoroughly. In his letters you will remark how most of the so-called Roman names are Greek. You will remark, too, as a sign of the decadence of taste and art, that though full of wisdom and practical morality, the letters are couched in the most wonderful bombast to be met with, even in that age of infimae Latinitatis.

FABRICII: Bibliotheca Latina mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Padua, 1754. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos para la historia de España, tom, xxxix. JUAN B. MUÑOZ: Historia, de nuevo mundo. 1793. L. VON RANKE: Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichtsschreiber. 1824. A. DE HUMBOLDT: Examen critique de l'histoire de la géographie du nouveau continent. 1837.

He limited himself to these things, intending later on to hang a few drawings or paintings on the panels which remained bare; to place shelves and book racks of ebony around the walls; to spread the pelts of wild beasts and the skins of blue fox on the floor; to install, near a massive fifteenth century counting-table, deep armchairs and an old chapel reading-desk of forged iron, one of those old lecterns on which the deacon formerly placed the antiphonary and which now supported one of the heavy folios of Du Cange's Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis.