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Dry heat changes starch first into a soluble form and finally into what is called dextrine, this being the intermediate step in the changing of starch into sugar. SUGAR, another important form of carbohydrate, is mainly of vegetable origin, except that which is found in milk and called lactose.

Water............................... 84.60 per cent Casein.............................. 3.49 " " Albumin............................. .56 " " Globulin............................ .32 " " Lactose............................. 5.08 " " Ash................................. .72 " " Fat................................. 3.42 " " Ricin............................... 1.19 " "

"The milk submitted to us for examination on the 10th inst. has been carefully analyzed, and I beg to hand you herewith the result: "Specific gravity 1.036 at 15 degrees Cent. Water 84.60 per cent. Casein 3.49 " " Albumin 56 " " Globulin 1.32 " " Lactose 5.08 " " Ash 72 " " Fat 3.42 " " Ricin 1.19 " " "Ricin is a new and little-known poison derived from the shell of the castor-oil bean.

This is due to the fact that lactose undergoes the lactic acid fermentation. The lactose is converted into lactic acid by means of a special ferment. Experiment 52. Evaporate a small quantity of milk to dryness in an open dish. After the dry residue is obtained, continue to apply heat; observe that it chars and gives off pungent gases.