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"It's clever enough!" cried Kovroff, pressing his hand with the gay enthusiasm of genuine interest. "For this truth much thanks!" cried Kallash, clinking glasses with him. "It is clever that is the best praise I could receive from you. Let us drink to the success of my scheme!" Three days after this conversation the younger prince Shadursky dined with Sergei Antonovitch Kovroff.

That morning he received a note from Kovroff, in which the worthy Sergei complained of ill health and begged the prince to come and dine with him and cheer him up. The prince complied with his request, and appearing at the appointed time found Count Kallash alone with his host.

I am I, Lieutenant Sergei Antonitch Kovroff, of the Chernovarski Dragoons! Do you hear? I am captain of the Golden Band," he said proudly and haughtily, scrutinizing the company with his confident gaze.

"Our luxuries would be strictly limited," jested Kovroff, with a wry smile. "There it is! You won't find many volunteers for that occupation, and that is the fulcrum of my whole plan. You must understand that gold dust in the mass is practically indistinguishable in appearance from brass filings.