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Stowing these into two keschies brought for the purpose, they slung the baskets on to their backs, and marched confidently up the hill, assured that Yaspard would give the alarm if danger was to be apprehended. They reached his side without any adventure, and then all three clambered over the broken wall into what had been a goodly apartment now roofless and in ruin.

"I believe the ogre to be a very sleepless creature, and he may soon rise to wander after his usual style; so let's make haste." They stowed everything into their keschies, and what could not go there was packed in the Laulie's "spare canvas," or suspended from their belts; while Tammy watched the proceedings with profound interest.

He retreated again into the ruin, whither his companions followed, and, sitting down by the loaded keschies, he cast his eyes on the ground and would not speak. There was something awesome in the silence, in the surroundings, in the whole adventure, therefore it is not to be wondered that Lowrie felt creepy, and Gibbie's teeth chattered in his head.

"Put the keschies in the passage, anyway," said Yaspard, agreeing to the proposal; but the Harrisons were not willing to enter that passage again, so they suggested another hiding-place, namely, the chimney, which was stopped up and grown over above, but had capacious ledges inside which suited admirably for the purpose they required.