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Ainley owned up, and Jarlock let the thing go, for old acquaintance' sake. But just about the time of your trouble he left the 'Varsity and went on a trip to the Cape, and it was a full year after before he even heard what had befallen you. It made him think of his own affair with Ainley, and when he met me months afterwards he took me into his confidence.

"What in thunder are you gassing about?" cried Ainley blusteringly. "About Jarlock and a certain promissory note which he paid, a note which bore your name and his. Your signature was quite genuine. Jarlock's well, Jarlock denied it, and you owned that you " "He told?" said Ainley. "The cur told?"

Long after you er went down, Jarlock, who was in our set, told me something about Ainley." "What was that?" asked Stane quickly. "Well, it was that just at that time, Ainley was broke and borrowing money right and left, and that he had forged Jarlock's name to a bill. Jarlock became aware of the fact through the bill being presented to him for payment, and he tackled Ainley about the business.

You ought to know better." "I know more than you think, Ainley. You remember Jarlock who was in our set ?" "Jarlock!" The name broke from Ainley in a tone of consternation. "Yes, Jarlock! A good fellow, Jarlock. A friend who could forgive a friend his faults, who indeed could on occasion overlook a crime when he thought it was the crime of a hard-pressed man."