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When she had gone he made a poem about her, beginning: "There is no more light in the sky " And hundreds of sad people learned the poem by heart. When Iollan and Tuiren were married they went to Ulster, and they lived together very happily.

In course of time the news came to Fionn that his mother's sister was not living with Iollan. He at once sent a messenger calling for fulfilment of the pledge that had been given to the Fianna, and demanding the instant return of Tuiren. Iollan was in a sad condition when this demand was made.

She laid her spinning aside, or her embroidery if she was at that, or if she were baking a cake of fine wheaten bread mixed with honey she would leave the cake to bake itself and fly to Iollan. Then they went hand in hand in the country that smells of apple-blossom and honey, looking on heavy-boughed trees and on dancing and beaming clouds.

"Tell me your tale," said she coldly. Iollan told his story then, and, he concluded, "I am certain that you have hidden the girl." "If I save your head from Fionn," the woman of the Shi' replied, "then your head will belong to me." "That is true," said Iollan. "And if your head is mine, the body that goes under it is mine. Do you agree to that?" "I do," said Iollan.

Then Iollan would go back to the world of men, and Uct Dealv would return to her occupations in the Land of the Ever Young. "What did he say?" her sister of the Shi' would ask. "He said I was the Berry of the Mountain, the Star of Knowledge, and the Blossom of the Raspberry." "They always say the same thing," her sister pouted. "But they look other things," Uct Dealv insisted.