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Calm, like a god, the old man sat; and with a smile seemed to bid farewell to the light of day, on which he had gazed for more than eighty years. Slowly stretching forth his hand, he seemed to write inthe air; and, as it sank down again and was motionless, the spirit of the old man departed." "And yet the world goes on.

A. B. I hereby give you notice to deliver up possession and quit, on or before next Michaelmas day, the house and premises which you now hold of me, situate in the parish of inthe county of : and in default of your compliance therewith, I do and will insist on your paying me for the same, the yearly rent of being double the annual rent, for such time as you shall detain the key, and keep possession, over the said notice.

Deering lay on her lounge up-stairs, reading greasy relays of dog-eared novels, the choice of which she left to the cook and the nurse, who were always fetching them forher from the cabinet de lecture; and it was understood inthe house that she was not to be "bothered" about Juliet. Mr.

He said. every well, that is the place I want it inthe courts." * I was required to give bail in $5,000. I asked the judge what it meant. He said it was simply to present myself there at half past ten the following Wednesday. I asked him if it suspended me from any of my functions.

After delivering himself of these kindly sentiments, which left me rather in a mist as to my prospects, he mounted his horse and rode off, probably on some very important affair, for I saw no more of him for several days. I at once proceeded to establish myself in the kitchen. No person inthe house appeared ever to pay even a casual visit to any other room.