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"Oh, my Lord!" cried Marjorie in desperation "You little nut! Girls like you are responsible for all the tiresome colorless marriages; all those ghastly inefficiencies that pass as feminine qualities.

Perhaps there would be a beneficial house cleaning if he did. Discontent, dissatisfaction, unrest, and constant changes in personnel load the body up with wastes, inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses.

That which has no information presence might as well have no real life existence. An entity person, group of people, a nation which does not engage in structuring content, providing and disseminating it actively engages, therefore, in its own, slow, disappearance. Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Some do so legally and some adopt shadier varieties of behaviour. And there is a group of parasites participants in the market who feed off its very inefficiencies and imperfections and, by their very actions, enhance them.

And this is entirely natural. Everybody, Communists included, rails bitterly at the inefficiencies of the present system, but everybody, Anti-Communists included, admits that there is nothing whatever capable of taking its place. Its failure is highly undesirable, not because it itself is good, but because such failure would be preceded or followed by a breakdown of all existing organizations.

But, strikingly, some of the inefficiencies are the direct outcomes of the activities of "non bona fide" market participants. What characterizes all those "market impeders" is that they are value subtractors rather than value adders. Others refuse to accept the self interest of other players as their limit. They try to maximize their benefits at any cost, as long as it is a cost to others.