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First complimenting him as a son of America, the glorious Republic of the West, and on his extraordinary genius-as he was pleased to express himself-he awarded him the rich prize prepared for the occasion, at the same time offering him a sum for the painting which would have rendered a man of moderate wishes independent for life.

Bunyan, in his Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity, thus addresses such characters: "This is the man that hath the breath of a dragon; he poisons the air round about him. This is the man that slays his children, his kinsmen, his friend, and himself-he that offends God's little ones.

I have not the heart to do it, for I think he is ashamed of himself-he must be so indeed, and such inquiries could not fail to be painful to both. My forbearance pleases himtouches him even, I am inclined to think. He says he is glad to be home again, and God knows how glad I am to get him back, even as he is.

Her face was pale as marble, and her long hair, saturated with wet, by its darkness made her look of a more deadly hue. "Death! how lovely canst thou be!" sighed the knight to himself-he even groaned. Helen started, and looked around her with alarm. "Fear not," said he, "I only dreaded your pale looks; but you revive, and will yet bless all that are dear to you.