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The whole party that reached Diamond Creek was as follows: Lieutenant Wheeler, G. K. Gilbert, P. W. Hamel, T. H. O'Sullivan, E. M. Richardson, Frank Hecox, Wm. George Salmon, R. W. James, Thos. Hoagland, George Phifer, Wm. Roberts, Privates Drew, Flynn, and Keegan, and six Mohaves, making twenty in all. "The exploration of the Colorado River," says Wheeler, "may now be considered complete."

Hecox, in the Overland Monthly, says: "I am sure the men never realized how hard a time the women had. Of course the men worked hard too, but after their day's travel was over they sat around the camp fire, smoked, and told stories, while the women were tending the children, mending clothes, and making ready for the next day's meals.

With many portages and other arduous toil the party slowly climbed up the river, sometimes making less than three miles, sometimes a little more. The rapids grew worse and worse, and the smooth stretches in between shorter and shorter. On the 15th Gilbert's boat broke away, and he and Hecox were swept so far down the stream that the rest could not reach them.