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While she was inserting a plug and turning a crank for Buckville's central switchboard was many years behind the times he unceremoniously lifted the operator's head-set from her coiled hair and fitted it upon his own head. Several times she spun the little crank, breathlessly repealing: "I've just been trying them, but they must have left the receiver off!" "Wait!" he whispered.

"That's the stuff we're looking for," he said quietly. "Though I never saw it in a package like that before." Slade held up a hand for silence and pulled his head-set closer about his ears. For a moment his attention was held by the instrument. Then his hand again sought the key. When the sputtering of the radio had died away he announced: "Got the Bennington.

"There's no trouble about landing troops from the open sea in smooth weather like this," said Palmer, speaking through his head-set. "We did it at Santiago, and the Japs did it at Port Arthur." "And the English did it at Ostend," I agreed. "Hello!"

I shall remain with you until we land, and we may converse upon any topic of most interest to you." "We've got a topic of interest, all right. That's what we came out here for. But it would take too long to tell you about it I'll show you!" He brought out the magnetic brain record, threaded it into the machine and handed the astronomer a head-set.