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"Thanks!" cried P. Sybarite, jumping up on the running-board. "You're most amiable, my friend!" And with the heel of his open hand he struck the man forcibly upon the chest, so that he reeled back, tripped over the hapchance foot of an innocent by-stander, and went sprawling and blaspheming upon his back. Somebody laughed hysterically. "Go!" P. Sybarite cried to the chauffeur.

He was close upon the farther end when upon a hapchance impulse he glanced over the nearest guard-rail, down at the bed of the creek. And stopped incontinently, gaping. Stationary in the middle of the depression, hub-deep in the shallow waters, was a motor-car; and it, beyond dispute, was identical with that which had occupied his thoughts on the ferry-boat.

A hapchance native whom he presently encountered, furnished minute directions for reaching the Dockyard Station of the Southeastern and Chatham Rail-way, adding comfortable information to the effect that the next east-bound train would pass through in ten minutes; if Kirkwood would mend his pace he could make it easily, with time to spare.

As it happened, the thing worked with disconcerting abruptness as his untrained fingers fell hapchance on the spring. A sudden glare again smote him in the face, and at the same instant, from a point not a yard away, apparently, an inarticulate cry rang out upon the stillness. "Who's that?" he demanded harshly.