United States or Isle of Man ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He indicated the shimmering river, the woods beyond, the wonderful sky in the west, with a half-homesick gesture, then dashed on down the river road, gay with anticipation again, carolling the potato song lustily: "The taters grow an' grow, they grow!" "That was a fine idea of yours, Sally, to send him to Italy.

Betty wondered if it was his son, and felt as if she would like to go over and play with him; and then thought, with a half-homesick longing, of Moppet and the dear New England home. Far, far away ran Betty's thoughts, as minute after minute sped along and no one came to disturb her reverie.

"Your loving, adoring, half-homesick, half-bewildered, somewhat dizzy little girl, "Lahoma. "P. S. Nobody has been able to tell from word or look of mine that I have ever been surprised at a single thing I have heard or seen. You may be quite sure of that." "I bet you!" cried Willock admiringly. "NOW, what do you think of it?"

They have kept by themselves, remaining for the most part half-homesick emigrants. Many of them are engaged in the fur trade; some are adventure-loving wood rovers and hunters, but the most of them are farmers on a small scale. Their little villages, composed of hovels or small log cottages, are guarded by rough earthworks.