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"Then I hope you've almost had your bout out," she said. "So do I," said he, with a half-repentant, half-depressed look on his attractive face. The corners of his mouth grimaced slightly under his moustache. "The best thing you can do is to go straight back to England, and to her." "Perhaps I'd better ask her if she wants me, first," he said drily. "Yes, you might do that, too."

I was, of course, hardly surprised that as a military man, as an officer, he was not a success, that he was in fact worse than useless; but what I had not anticipated was that he was by no means conspicuous for much bravery; that in battle he had a downcast, woebegone air, seemed half-depressed, half-bewildered. Himself he was quite ready to murder in any way at any moment.... But others no.

Conditions should be such that the possibility of fire, of trespass, of all you fellows guard against, should be eliminated. Then you could supply steam, energy, accomplishment, instead of being merely the lubrication. It's an economic waste." Bob left the mill-yards half-depressed, half-amused. All his people had become alien.

"Well, Will, can't you answer your sweetheart?" said his mother, fastening her sharp gray eyes on her son. "You know best all the circumstances. Do you think you can afford to remain here?" There followed a short pause. Willibald's glance met his mother's; then he turned toward Toni and said, in a half-depressed tone: "No, Toni, I must go home there is nothing else for it."