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Sunbeam barely managed to suppress a giggle. "He's grumping around the ship like an old bear, snapping at everyone. I don't think he's too fond of you. Maybe I shouldn't say it, but he keeps talking about an oversized kitten making monkeys out of his men." "He seemed to dislike me even before that," Corina said. "Probably. He isn't too fond of non-humans, and he doesn't even like many of us.

That it then makes a sound different from its distinctive whirring note is recorded. T.A. Coward writes 'when on the wing it has a soft call co-ic, and a sharper and repeated alarm quik, quik, quik. It is doubtful whether crackling can be accepted. 'The grumping miller picked his way'.

#Grumping# is a good word, which appears from the dictionaries to be a common-speech term that is picking its way into literature. 'The golden nobs and pippens swell'. #nob# is knob. Golden-nob is 'a variety of apple'; see E.D.D.: and as a special name, which the passage implies, it should be hyphened. 'where the pollards frown, Notched, dumb, surly images of pain'.

Dick's profile on a bit of paper or teaching him how to manicure his nails, but that night she was lying on the cot and she didn't look up. "Sleeping?" I asked in a whisper. "Grumping!" Mr. Dick answered. He went over and stood looking down at her with his hands in his pockets and his hair ruffled as if he'd been running his fingers through it. She never moved a shoulder. "Dorothy," he said.