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Lansing on December 8th, and obtained from him this letter: "As I have already stated, the demand for recall of the two Attachés of your Embassy was made as a result of the careful investigation of a number of facts and circumstances, which convinced this Government that they could no longer consider these two officers as personoe gratoe, and that their continued residence in the United States was, therefore, no longer compatible with diplomatic propriety.

"This Government is surprised that the Imperial Government should not have complied at once with its request for the recall of the two Attachés, who are no longer personoe gratoe here.

"Although I have already said that this Government does not want to do anything further than to request the recall of Boy-Ed and von Papen, since they are no longer personoe gratoe, I, nevertheless, do not desire to go beyond the above declaration; so that your Government may be in a position to institute an inquiry into the manner of dealing with your Attachés, should it wish to do so.

Congress was about to assemble, and it was therefore to be expected that the Government would take steps to strengthen its position. Mr. Lansing asked me on 1st December to call on him and informed me that the American Government had requested that von Papen and Boy-Ed should be recalled, as they were no longer personoe gratoe!