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The Commons, not to be outdone in courtesy, excused themselves, and left it to His Majesty's wisdom to select the fittest persons, In the midst of the angry debates on the Irish war a pleasing incident produced for a moment goodhumour and unanimity. Walker had arrived in London, and had been received there with boundless enthusiasm. His face was in every print shop.

Upon which occasions Captain Barnabas, with great goodhumour, always echoed both the squire's Ho, ho, ho! and Mrs. Hazeldean's Ha, ha, ha! Not so the parson. He had so keen and sportsmanlike an interest in the game, that even his adversaries' mistakes ruffled him.

Upon which occasions Captain Barnabas, with great goodhumour, always echoed both the squire's Ho, ho, ho! and Mrs. Hazeldean's Ha, ha, ha! Not so the parson. He had so keen and sportsmanlike an interest in the game, that even his adversaries' mistakes ruffled him.

William Wylder who came in, so homely of feature, so radiant of goodhumour, so eager and simple, in a very plain dress a Brandon housemaid would not have been seen in it, leaning so pleasantly on his lean, long, clerical arm made for reaching books down from high shelves, a lank, scholarlike limb, with a somewhat threadbare cuff and who looked round with that anticipation of pleasure, and that simple confidence in a real welcome, which are so likely to insure it?

The country gentlemen might perhaps have been more inclined to resent the loss of their bill, had they not been put into high goodhumour by another bill which they considered as even more important.