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There is a special Harvard student here, a Mr. Hickman, who is tutoring Mr. Gilder's children. I like him very much. He is in the Lawrence Scientific School about your age and a fine fellow from Nova Scotia. I have been to the Johnsons at Stockbridge. Owen is in love with Yale and wants you to come there. Owen will be a writer, he has already got on the Yale "Lit."

Before they could get into a place of concealment a door opened, and Colonel Richmond entered. He carried a small lamp in his hand. Horace followed him. "Gilder!" cried the colonel, seeing Nick disguised as the coachman. "Why were you not present in the parlor?" "I've just got back to the house, sir," rejoined the detective, imitating Gilder's Yankee twang". "Who's that with you?"

Above the shouting of the Hadji, who was beginning to make himself heard by the crowd, it rang out shrill and clear a woman's voice: Monny Gilder's. She called on the name of Antoun, and then was silent. I lifted my candle-lantern all that was left to illumine the darkness, and saw at the far end of the court shadowy figures struggling together.

In the Museum of the Louvre we have a gilder's book, and the gold-leaf which it contains is as thin as the gold-leaf used by the German goldsmiths of the past century. Gold was applied to bronze surfaces by means of an ammoniacal solvent.