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Updated: December 31, 2024
The possession of God is, therefore, absolutely necessary in order that the soul may enjoy Him, and rest in him as her last end. Hence, the act of seeing God is also the act by which the blessed possess God, and enter into the joy of their Lord.* * Si generatim loquamur, verum est quod visio, ut visio, non sit possessio. Nam visio, ut sic, solum dicit claram cognitionem objecti visi.
First, then, it is to be observed how he is drawn into a manifest contradiction; for whereas he saith, that God’s word doth exserte and diserte commend unto us generatim, such things as conduce to faith and manners, and that concerning things of this nature we have a general law in Scripture, how can this stand with that which he addeth, namely, that it is in the church’s power to define what things conduce to faith, piety, and charity, even reputando rem in universum?
But He can and does make use of creatures to adorn, perfect, and complete the happiness of the whole man. * Beatitudo accidentalis, proprie et generatim loquendo, est quælibet beati perfectio supernaturalis quæ versatur circa aliquid quod est extra objectum beatificum, prout beatificum est.... Quia nulla est essentia creata quæ non egeat aliquo accidente ad consummationem suæ perfectionis.
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