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It isn't in the spirit of my intention. It isn't in a great building of this sort so so ornate and imposing, that the simple gospel of God's Universal Kingdom can be preached." "But oughtn't so gate a message to have as g'ate a pulpit?" And then as if she would seize him before he could go on to further repudiations, she sought hastily among the drawings again. "But look," she said.

"The g'eat Hall is to be pe'fectly 'ound, no aisle, no altar, and in lettas of sapphiah, 'God is ev'ywhe'." She added with a note of solemnity, "It will hold th'ee thousand people sitting down." "But !" said Scrope. "The'e's a sort of g'andeur," she said. "It's young Venable's wo'k. It's his fl'st g'ate oppo'tunity." "But is this to go on that little site in Aldwych?"

If God doesn't want music it can go. I can't think God does not app'ove of music, but that is for you to settle. If you don't like the' being o'naments, we'll make it all plain. Some g'ate g'ey Dome all g'ey and black. If it isn't to be beautiful, it can be ugly. Yes, ugly. It can be as ugly" she sobbed "as the City Temple. We will get some otha a'chitect some City a'chitect.

"Oh, I've been thinking all the time of all the things you told me. Ova and ova. It's all so wondyful and so so like a G'ate Daw opening. New light. As if it was all just beginning." She clasped her hands. The bishop felt that there were a great number of points to this situation, and that it was extremely difficult to grasp them all at once.