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It galled him that Englishmen in India thought none the more of him for foreswearing his native land, and he contrasted bitterly their manner to him with the reception that he had met with in the circles in which he moved in England. He had been regarded as a hero in London boarding-houses.

The fooling seems to be the dominant interest in Scene ii. Is it, nevertheless, only the vehicle by which the theme is developed? Show how also not alone by the confession Armado makes but also by the words in which he expressed it, the theme of the conflict of Love against the vow foreswearing it is made clear.

O thou of magnanimous heart, be thou the king for our good. Thus addressed by them, I joined my hands together and, myself filled with grief and greatly afflicted, I represented to them the vow I had made from filial respect. I repeatedly informed them that for the sake of our race, I had vowed to live with vital seed drawn up and foreswearing the throne.

But he should have chosen a more stable testament than this avowal made to a whimsically-minded playwright with an absurd weakness for the beauties of a midnight wood. And if I had been a witness to his oath, I was, now, a witness to his foreswearing. He began well enough on the note proper to the heir of Jervaise. He had the aplomb to carry that off.

A few of them had some slight scruple of conscience about foreswearing themselves; and many, who did not know what a scruple of conscience meant, were apprehensive that they might offend the rightful King by vowing fealty to the actual King.