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From this fact we conclude that deep rooting is not necessary to the orange, although unquestionably deep rooting and deep penetration for water are desirable as allowing the tree to draw upon a much greater soil mass and therefore be less dependent upon frequent irrigations and fertilizations. Depth of Ground-Water.

A special lecture will be devoted to this very interesting source of impurity and of uncertainty in ordinary cultures. Of course, crosses may lie in the proposed line of work, and this is the third point to be alluded to. They must be surrounded with the same careful isolation and protection against bees, as any other fertilizations.

Hence the outer parts pertain to the parent plant and only the innermost ones to the seedling and therefore to the following generation. Fruit-characters thus do not offer the qualities we need, only the qualities resulting from fertilizations are characteristic of the new generation. Such attributes are afforded in some cases by the color, in others by the chemical constitution.

Specific and varietal characters may occur together in many of the several forms, but nothing is as yet accurately known as to their behavior in pure fertilizations. Constancy and segregation are thrown together in such a manner that extreme variability results, and numerous beautiful types may be had, and others may be expected from further crosses.

Try to figure the cross fertilizations he must have made, the varieties he's tried and cut out, and remember it takes time to get a permanent strain, and wheat makes only one crop a year. If the stuff's as good as it seems, the fellow's done something he'll never be paid for. Anyway, he's welcome to my share." "There's no doubt about your admiration for hard work," declared Edgar.