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On the back of the print, Moran had written: "A surprise picture of Gordon Wade and our new fellow-townswoman, Miss Dorothy Purnell, whose beauty and general attractiveness have made her the idol of Crawling Water." On the north bank of the river, from which it derived its name, the town of Crawling Water lay sprawled out in the shape of an irregular horn.

In many men the dislike to marrying among the folk with whom they have been brought up amounts almost to a positive instinct; they feel it as impossible to fall in love with a fellow-townswoman as to fall in love with their own first cousins. In minor matters, it is of course universally admitted that short men, as a rule, prefer tall women, while tall men admire little women.

At Christmas they were married, and left the country at once. Marian was glad of it: the child now belonged entirely to her. Though the people soon became accustomed to the existence of their diminutive fellow-townswoman, Eva was and remained the mysterious child of Eschenbach.

But the termites would soon begin to observe the visits of their suspicious friend, and to note their coincidence with the frequent mysterious disappearance of a fellow-townswoman, evaporated into space, like the missing young women in neat cloth jackets who periodically vanish from the London suburbs.