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He looked around, but no one appeared to understand him, although he noted the horror and disgust on the faces of the new exiles. The girl was blushing deeply at this forced exposition of her person, but she seemed otherwise firm and undaunted. The wretch with the knout grinned, and made some insulting remarks, which his fellow-brutes appeared to enjoy very much.

Some of the negroes actually seemed to envy the caparisons of their fellow-brutes, and eyed with jealousy their glittering harness. In imitation of this finery, they were fond of thrums of many-colored threads; and I saw one creature, who supported the squalid rag that wrapped his waist by a suspender of gaudy worsted, which he turned every moment to look at on his naked shoulder.

A man who could not compel obedience from his daughter was looked upon as a poor weakling, and contempt was his portion in the eyes of his fellow-men in the eyes of his fellow-brutes, I should like to say.

And in the stalls the cows munched contentedly at their cuds and gazed with gentle curiosity at their two fellow-brutes, who stood waiting the signal to fall upon, and kill each other if need be, for the delectation of their brothers. "Take your places," commanded the master of ceremonies.

And in the stalls the cows munched contentedly at their cuds and gazed with gentle curiosity at their two fellow-brutes, who stood waiting the signal to fall upon, and kill each other if need be, for the delectation of their brothers. "Take your places," commanded the master of ceremonies.

And in the stalls the cows munched contentedly at their cuds and gazed with gentle curiosity at their two fellow-brutes, who stood waiting the signal to fall upon and kill each other, if need be, for the delectation of their brothers. "Take your places," commanded the master of ceremonies.