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"Oh yes, I do know that; and I feel it is His pleasure that it should be so, and I don't fear to die. A few weeks back the thoughts of death, when they came upon me, nearly killed me; but that feeling's all gone now." Martin did not know what answer to make; he again told her he hoped she would soon get better.

I had done no conscious wrong, and was only seeking that which was mine by every standard of justice. I knew I despised Cassion, while my feeling's toward De Artigny were so confused, and indefinite as to be a continual puzzle. I knew nothing of what love was I was merely aware that the man interested me, and that I felt confidence in him.

The more knowledge a man has, the better he'll do's work; and feeling's a sort o' knowledge." Dinah was silent; her eyes were fixed in contemplation of something visible only to herself. Adam went on presently with his pleading, "And you can do almost as much as you do now. I won't ask you to go to church with me of a Sunday.

She felt this with increasing certainty. Ned took her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. The touch of his lips sent a thrill through her heart. It was sweet to be worshipped in this old-fashioned, foolish way. Whatever her own feeling's might be, this was love in its divinest flowering. It drew her to-night with all but resistless tug.