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The colt may have been trampled upon by its dam in such manner that the tendon was divided. No noticeable evidence of injury to the skin was to be seen on its outer surface, but on the fascial side a cyanotic congested area, which was situated immediately over the site of the ruptured tendon, was very evident.

Neurectomies have been performed and recoveries following were attributed thereto; fascial divisions in the crural region have been done with good results and this manner of treatment has its favorers. Advocates of tenotomies, likewise, are to be found.

A fascial graft can be employed to act as a ligament permanently extending the wrist; it is attached to the third and fourth metacarpal bones distally and to the radius or ulna proximally.

However, in a general way, cases of recent affection are thought more favorable than are those of long standing or in old animals where myositis and other muscular and fascial affections exist owing to years of hard service. Treatment. No known line of medicinal treatment is of service, nor is any particular surgical operation to be considered dependable for obtaining relief.

I applied the lunar caustic deeply in the wound, and directed a poultice and a cold lotion to be kept upon the inflamed parts; and suspecting fascial inflammation, I took away ten ounces of blood and administered purgative medicine. On the next day, the inflammation had greatly subsided; the cataplasm and lotion were continued.

Sarcomata, if allowed full progress, may attain great size. Plate 10 shows an enormous sarcoma of the buttocks in an adult negro. Fascial sarcomata are often seen of immense size. Senn shows a tumor of this variety which was situated between the scapulae.