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A man named Sullivan occupied a farm at Kilfalliny, on the little river Main, a spot almost equidistant from each of the three railway stations of Farranfore, Gortatlea, and Castleisland.

'Begorra, because maybe if they did, the constabulary would put them in jail. So the constabulary have some value after all, in spite of the sneers of Home Rule members in the House of Commons. Half a dozen Kerry priests screeched with laughter when I told them that story in the train, having met them on a journey to Farranfore. Here is another I also gave them on that occasion.

Whenever the 'History of Modern Ireland' comes to be written, that glowing outburst of truth ought to be quoted. There were some evictions carried out at Farranfore on the estate of Lord Kenmare, by the sub-sheriff, Mr. Harnett, and a force of military and police numbering about one hundred and thirty. During the eviction of one Daly, horns were blown and the chapel bell set ringing.

The dispensary doctors do not form a satisfactory feature of Irish life, simply because the farmers elect individuals out of friendship. A dispensary doctor had to be appointed at Farranfore, and I was most anxious to get the best man for the position. So I proposed that the candidates' papers should all be submitted to Sir Dominic Corragun, a Roman Catholic physician of high standing in Dublin.