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"Holy mackerel!" exploded the feeble tones. "All right, Henry, I'll do it." Somewhere in the last days of June, New England is at its loveliest and it is commencement time at Yale. Under the tall elms stretch the shady streets, alive eternally with the ever-new youth of ever-coming hundreds of boys.

Those who had hired vehicles for the day to join the procession were convinced of the impracticable character of their intention; and many delicate old men who would not give up the design, braved the terrors of asthma and bronchitis, and joined the rain-defying throng. Right across the spacious ground was one unmoving mass, constantly being enlarged by ever-coming crowds.

Amid the throng on his ruined roof Hogarth watched their flight and the ever-coming boatloads of blue-jackets through a mist of smoke and the after-smell of war, while under the sea wide eyes in hosts were a-gaze at a windfall of 2,400 bodies.

Even with their guns, what could a handful of Earthmen do against the resistless, ever-coming tide of Mercutians, thousands of them? It was raining now, slowly at first, large scattered drops, then heavier and heavier, until the fogged air was a driving sheet of water. What of it? thought Hilary bitterly as he fought and slipped and stumbled in the slimy, bloody muck that was now the ground.