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These beds are sometimes crossed by oblique and even-sided laminae.

However, it saves confusion to use names as far as possible in their accepted sense. Fine lines may be worked in it, but it appears most suited to the working of broadish bands and other more or less even-sided or, it may be, tapering forms, more feathery in effect than fish-bone-like, such as are shown at E on sampler.

Yet even numbers are certainly more suggestive of mechanics than of life, while odd numbers seem to go more with the freedom and irregularity of growing things. One may make pretty positive assertions about non-living things. Crystals, so far as I know, are all even-sided, some are six and some eight-sided; snowflakes are of an infinite variety of pattern, but the number six rules them.

They resemble ordinary concretions in the following respects: in their external form, in the union of two or three, or of several, into an irregular mass, or into an even-sided layer, in the occasional intersection of one such layer by another, as in the case of chalk-flints, -in the presence of two or three kinds of nodules, often close together, in the same basis, in their fibrous, radiating structure, with occasional hollows in their centres, in the co-existence of a laminary, concretionary, and radiating structure, as is so well developed in the concretions of magnesian limestone, described by Professor Sedgwick.