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The western position of the altar, however, is against placing the work as late as the episcopate of Eadhead. The suggestion is Mr. Micklethwaite's. Altare would, of course, mean the high altar in the presbytery above. It is curious that the same story should be told of Roger de Mowbray, founder of Byland Abbey in this same county.

There is an interesting suggestion in Murray's Cathedrals, Pt. 1, p. 172, n. 2, that the church of which the crypt formed a part was built not by Wilfrid but by Eadhead, who, as the supplanter of Wilfrid, would probably be excluded from Wilfrid's monastery, but who may, nevertheless, have employed his workmen.

His tenure of his new office lasted for five years only, for in 686 Aldfrith, the successor of Ecgfrith, restored Wilfrid not indeed to his original bishopric of Northumbria, but to a see which combined the lately-formed dioceses of Ripon and York . Eadhead accordingly retired, and there were no more Bishops of Ripon for twelve centuries.

Originally a priest at the court of Oswiu, he had accompanied the intruded bishop, Chad, when the latter sought consecration at Canterbury during Wilfrid's absence for consecration in Gaul. Eadhead had afterwards been appointed by Theodore to the see of Lindsey, and was translated thence to Ripon when Lindsey was recovered by the Mercians.