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On the contrary, it seemed to him that the function at Dunchester might yet ring through England, and startle even such an optimist as Bishop Craye. The next few days he spent among his own people, and with the Flaxmans.

The week passed, and the Dunchester meeting was at hand. Mary was to be the guest of one of the Canons in the famous Close. Meynell arrived to find the beautiful old town in commotion.

In Dunchester alone, with its population of about 50,000, I know that we had over 5000 deaths, and Dunchester was a focus from which the pestilence spread through the kingdom, destroying and destroying and destroying with a fury that has not been equalled since the days of the Black Death. But all this was still to come, for the plague did not get a grip at once.

Also there were the dissenters, who set hatred of the Church above all politics, and made its disendowment and humiliation their watchword. In Dunchester these were active and numerous, a very tower of strength to me, for Stephen Strong was the wealthiest and most important of them.

"Of course, my dear boy," he said, "you being your father's son I should be delighted, and would do everything in my power to help you, but at the same time I must point out that were Galen, or Jenner, or Harvey to reappear on earth, I doubt if they could make a decent living in Dunchester." "All the same, I mean to have a try, Sir John," I answered cheerfully.