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An infinite variety of days and nights an infinite variety of skies and light and clouds and daybreaks and sunsets an infinite number and variety of currents and shoals and deep places and quiet spots and dangerous rapids and eddies and, along its banks, an endless change of hills and mountains and flats and forests and meadows and farms and cities and " She paused, breathless.

He intended to buy back some of the lost estate, and to utilize all the out-buildings of the chateau by making a second farm and managing it himself. Life at the chateau had thus become during the last two years prosperous and almost happy. Monsieur d'Hauteserre was off at daybreaks to overlook his laborers, for he employed them in all weathers.

This school seems to us to have had for its master and its fountain-head the poet who marks the transition from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century, the man of wearisome description and periphrases that Delille who, they say, toward the close of his life, boasted, after the fashion of the Homeric catalogues, of having made twelve camels, four dogs, three horses, including Job's, six tigers, two cats, a chess-board, a backgammon-board, a checker-board, a billiard-table, several winters, many summers, a multitude of springs, fifty sunsets, and so many daybreaks that he had lost count of them.

They had awaited thousands and innumerable thousands of daybreaks in the Broad, these Emperors, counting the long slow hours till the night were over. It is in the night especially that their fallen greatness haunts them. Day brings some distraction. They are not incurious of the lives around them these little lives that succeed one another so quickly.