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De Vigny was also the only one among our poets that had a lofty ideal of woman and of love. And in order to convince one's self of this it is sufficient to reread successively the four great love-poems of that period: 'Le Lac, La Tristesse d'Olympio, Le Souvenir, and La Colere de Samson'.

We have to make comparisons between La Tristesse d'Olympio, Souvenir, and Le Lac'. That will be something interesting." "The Tristesse d'Olympio?" repeated Giselle, in a tone of interrogation. "You know, of course, that it is Victor Hugo's," said Mademoiselle de Wermant, with a touch of pity. Giselle answered with sincerity and humility, "I only knew that Le Lac was by Lamartine."

We have to make comparisons between La Tristesse d'Olympio, Souvenir, and Le Lac'. That will be something interesting." "The Tristesse d'Olympio?" repeated Giselle, in a tone of interrogation. "You know, of course, that it is Victor Hugo's," said Mademoiselle de Wermant, with a touch of pity. Giselle answered with sincerity and humility, "I only knew that Le Lac was by Lamartine."

The simplest expression agitated you; it seemed as if you had to give an account to some one of every word, and that you were afraid of a scolding, like a young girl who is brought by her mother into the drawing-room for the first time. One evening, I was sitting by you on the sofa, reading to you that sublime elegy of the great poet, La Tristesse d'Olympio; Raymond entered.

On the other hand Colette and Dolly, who never had aspired to literary triumphs, were moved to tears when the "Study on the comparative merits of Three Poems, 'Le Lac, 'Souvenir, and 'La Tristesse d'Olympio," signed "Mademoiselle de Nailles," received the honor of being read aloud.

On the other hand, what is 'La Tristesse d'Olympio' if not an admirable but common poetic rapture, a magnificent summary of the sufferings of the heart a bit of lyric writing equal to the most beautiful canzoni of the Italian masters, but wherein we find no idea of love, because all is artificial and studied; no cry from the soul is heard, no trace of passion appears.

We have to make comparisons between La Tristesse d'Olympio, Souvenir, and Le Lac'. That will be something interesting." "The Tristesse d'Olympio?" repeated Giselle, in a tone of interrogation. "You know, of course, that it is Victor Hugo's," said Mademoiselle de Wermant, with a touch of pity. Giselle answered with sincerity and humility, "I only knew that Le Lac was by Lamartine."

On the other hand Colette and Dolly, who never had aspired to literary triumphs, were moved to tears when the "Study on the comparative merits of Three Poems, 'Le Lac, 'Souvenir, and 'La Tristesse d'Olympio," signed "Mademoiselle de Nailles," received the honor of being read aloud.

On the other hand Colette and Dolly, who never had aspired to literary triumphs, were moved to tears when the "Study on the comparative merits of Three Poems, 'Le Lac, 'Souvenir, and 'La Tristesse d'Olympio," signed "Mademoiselle de Nailles," received the honor of being read aloud.