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"Accipe lampadem ardentem, custodi unctionem tuam, ut cum Dominus ad judicandum venerit, possis occurrere ei cum omnibus sanctis et vivas in saecula saeculorum." "Amen," replied the Abbe. But when they endeavoured to open Angelique's hand and to press it round the taper, the hand, powerless, as if already dead, escaped them and fell back upon her breast.

In a few minutes, unaided, she sat up in the middle of her great royal bed. The Bishop, radiant, showing by his expression his clear appreciation of the remarkable prodigy, repeated the formula: "Accipe lampadem ardentem, custodi unctionem tuam, ut cum Dominus ad judicandum venerit, possis occurrere ei cum omnibus sanctis et vivas in saecula saeculorum." "Amen," replied the Abbe.

'Brethren, be sober and watch; because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about, seeking whom he may devour, whom resist ye, strong in faith. In manus tuas... is said twice. Redemisti nos. ... Commendo spiritum meum; Custodi nos ... sub umbra.... Salva nos; Nunc dimittis.... Gloria Patri, Salva nos Domine vigilantes, custodi nos... pace.

But people who cannot do impossible things have to perish. The priest dipped his thumb in oil, and with it crossed the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands of him who was leaving the use of these five senses and instruments of evil. Then he placed a lighted candle in the stiffened fingers, and ended with "Accipe lampadem ardentem custodi unctionem tuam." I said to myself "I cannot do it!