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"No I say not guilty to that lever bluidy unless there's resistance, and that sets a man's bristles up, ye ken. And this is nae great matter, after a'; just to cut the comb of a young cock that has been crawing a little ower crousely." "Not young Earnscliff?" said the Solitary, with some emotion.

"Unless he could find ten times as much," said the beggar, "and that I am sair doubtful of; I heard Puggie Orrock, and the tother thief of a sheriff-officer, or messenger, speaking about it and things are ill aff when the like o' them can speak crousely about ony gentleman's affairs. I doubt Sir Arthur will be in stane wa's for debt, unless there's swift help and certain."

"Unless he could find ten times as much," said the beggar, "and that I am sair doubtful of; I heard Puggie Orrock, and the tother thief of a sheriff-officer, or messenger, speaking about it and things are ill aff when the like o' them can speak crousely about ony gentleman's affairs. I doubt Sir Arthur will be in stane wa's for debt, unless there's swift help and certain."

Mr Cayenne, though an aged man above seventy, was as bold as a lion, and came forth in the old garb of an American huntsman, like, as I was told, a Robin Hood in the play is; and it was just a sport to see him, feckless man, trying to march so crousely with his lean, shaking hands.