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I have set my heart on Rawdon running away with some one." "A rich some one, or a poor some one?" "Why, you goose! Rawdon has not a shilling but what I give him. He is crible de dettes he must repair his fortunes, and succeed in the world." "Is he very clever?" Rebecca asked.

"We have just come from the Bawn, Miss Marguerite and I," he replied. "You have? I never go near it. Did it break your heart?" Mr. Raleigh laughed. "Is Mr. Raleigh's heart such a delicate organ?" asked Marguerite. "Once, you might have been answered negatively; now, it must be like the French banner, percé, troué, criblé,"

With all her riches, with all her splendor, Amethyst was wretched wretched, because lonely; wretched, because her loving heart had nothing to cling to. The Prince de Borodino declared openly that Amethyst was engaged to him. Crible de dettes, it is no wonder that he should choose such an opportunity to refaire sa fortune.

Another day we met for lunch at Gounod's, when we had a very dull time, which was only enlivened by poor Baudelaire, who indulged in the most outrageous witticisms. This man, crible de dettes, as he told me, and daily compelled to adopt the most extravagant methods for a bare subsistence, had repeatedly approached me with adventurous schemes for the exploitation of my notorious fiasco.