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The ovate crenate leaves, which measure from an inch or even less, to one inch and a half in length by about half the length in breadth, are leathery, dark green above, grayish above. They are hairy on both surfaces, the underside being most densely clothed, and the twigs, too, are thickly covered with short grayish hairs. IDENTIFICATION. Zelkova cretica. Spach in Suit a Buff, ii, p. 121.

Although one of our commonest shrubs, this Privet can hardly be passed unnoticed, for the spikes of creamy-white flowers, that are deliciously scented, are both handsome and effective. LINNAEA BOREALIS. Twin Flower. A small and elegant, much-creeping evergreen shrub, with small, ovate crenate leaves, and pairs of very fragrant, pink flowers.

They are about one tenth of an inch in diameter, perfect little wheels with six spokes, without a tire, or rather with six perfect little leaflets, fern-like, with a distinct, straight, slender midrib raying from the centre. On each side of each midrib there is a transparent, thin blade with a crenate edge. How full of the creative genius is the air in which these are generated!

When they point outward like the spines of a holly leaf they are 'dentate-'toothed. The border of a nasturtium leaf is 'crenate' or scalloped. Most honeysuckles have a 'wavy' margin. When there are sharp, deep notches such as there are on the upper leaves of the field daisy, the edge is called 'cut." "This oak leaf is 'cut, then."