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There was that vein of coking coal over beyond the "Limestone Rim"; he nearly landed that, but the investors discovered too soon that it was 150 miles from a railroad. There was an embryo coal mine back in the hills a fine proposition but open to the same objection. Also an asbestos deposit, valueless for the same reason.

The trade gradually increased, until we find as many as 150 pots and kettles cast in a week. An abundance of coals existed in the neighbourhood: by rejecting those of inferior quality, and coking the others with great care, a combustible was obtained better fitted even than charcoal itself for the fusion of that particular kind of ore which is found in the coal-measures.

Frick came into the steel business as a matter of deliberate choice, whereas Schwab became associated with the Pittsburgh group more or less by accident. The region of Connellsville contains almost 150 square miles underlaid with coal that has a particular heat value when submitted to the process known as coking.

He stopped, looking still at the black lump and weighing it once more in his hand. "I think I know this coal," he said in a low voice, "and if I'm right you've got the best and thickest vein of coking coal in these mountains. It's the Culloden seam. Nobody ever has found it on this side of the mountain, and it is supposed to have petered out on the way through.