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The thickness of the marls is ten feet, and vegetable matter predominates so much in some layers as to form an imperfect lignite. Some of the upper beds at Monod abound in leaves of Proteaceae, Cyperaceae, and ferns, while in some of the lower ones Sequoia, Cinnamomum, and Sparganium are common.

Next comes the Laurus camphora, from the leaves of which camphor is extracted, the crystallized essence which evaporates so easily; then the Laurus cinnamomum, the bark of which is called cinnamon; and, lastly, sassafras, the aromatic wood which is said to be a powerful sudorific." Our guide conducted us across a field of Indian corn or maize.

People repeated that there were six thousand Barbarians killed; the others would not hold out, and the war was finished; they embraced one another in the streets, and rubbed the faces of the Pataec Gods with butter and cinnamomum to thank them.

They had to be left outside. As soon as the Suffet was in the town the principal men came to greet him. He had himself taken to the vapour baths, and called for his cooks. Three hours afterwards he was still immersed in the oil of cinnamomum with which the basin had been filled; and while he bathed he ate flamingoes' tongues with honied poppy-seeds on a spread ox-hide.

She would go and take the hanging amphoras by the neck; she would cool her bosom beneath the broad fans, or perhaps amuse herself by burning cinnamomum in hollow pearls.

Among the ferns met with in profusion at Monod is the Lastraea stiriaca, Unger, which has a wide range in the Miocene period from strata of the age of Oeningen to the lowest part of the Swiss Molasse. Cinnamomum Rossmassleri, Heer. Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, Unger. Among the laurels several species of Cinnamomum are very conspicuous.