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Presently, however, Chukuroo ceased taking any notice of us, and held leisurely on for the river, into a shallow part of which he walked, and, after panting there and turning about for a quarter of an hour, he fell over and expired.

But they knew that there were elephants in these parts as they had already observed their tracks and all now supposed the huge creature that was approaching must be one. Not all, Swartboy was an exception. As soon as his eyes fell upon the animal he cried out, "Chukuroo a chukuroo!"

But they knew that there were elephants in these parts as they had already observed their tracks and all now supposed the huge creature that was approaching must be one. Not all, Swartboy was an exception. As soon as his eyes fell upon the animal he cried out, "Chukuroo a chukuroo!"

"A rhinoster, is it?" said Von Bloom, knowing that "chukuroo" was the native name for the rhinoceros, or "rhinoster," as he called it in Dutch. "Ya, baas," replied Swartboy; "and one o' da big karles da `kobaoba, da long-horn white rhinoster." What Swartboy meant by this was that the animal in question was a large species of rhinoceros, known among the natives as the "kobaoba."

My horse shied very much at first, alarmed at the strange appearance of "Chukuroo," but by a sharp application of spur and jambok I prevailed upon him to follow, and presently, the ground improving, I got alongside, and, firing at the gallop, sent a bullet through her shoulder.