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As he went up to the door, an open carriage, containing a lady and a child, left it. A man dressed in the Crawford tartan opened the door. "Crawford?" inquired Tallisker, "is he at home?" "Yes, he is at home;" and the servant ushered him into, a carefully-shaded room, where marble statues gleamed in dusk corners and great flowering plants made the air fresh and cool.

Two men talked in low tones behind the carefully-shaded windows, one of them, the younger, lounging in the depths of an easy-chair, and the other pacing the floor in deepest abstraction. "I only know what Ardea tells me," said the lounger, answering the final question put by the floor pacer. "He's out of his head and out of the way, temporarily, at least. Now is your time to strike." Mr.

Jenny's simple faith in the talents of Rufus Smith underwent a severe trial during the ensuing night. She had left Julia still sleeping, and the memory of the last glance she had bestowed upon the white face in the light of the carefully-shaded candle haunted her all night, and roused a foreboding too dismal to be expressed, or even formulated in definite thought.

The door of the magazine was open, and a man was to be seen inside, with his back to the entrance, engaged upon his diabolical work by the aid of a carefully-shaded lantern.