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Was it true that Lor Palmerston had boxed with Lor Broghamm in the House of Lords, until they were sepparayted by the Lor Maire? Who was the Lor Maire? Wasn't he Premier Minister? and wasn't the Archeveque de Cantorbery a Quaker? He got answers to these questions from the various gents round about during the dinner which, he remarked, was very much like a French dinner, only dirtier.

Thus, we have Cambden on each occasion for Camden, Wescott for Westcott; we have baronnet for baronet, Cantorbéry for Canterbury, Kirkud-Bright for Kirkcudbright; we have hybrid combinations like Georges Dickson, impossibilities like Tiers-Ordre Luciferien d'Honoris Causa, and numerous similar instances.

I asked: 'Quel chemin doit on prendre pour aller chez Monsieur Amertone, dans l'ile d'Ineestreeneeche sur le lac Ave? That was quite plain, was not it?... Well, they only shook their heads till I gave them the address you had written for me, then of course they came out with 'All right, and a good deal besides which was of no consequence to me, and at last I am here 'all right. But why on earth do they spell Londres, London; Glascow, Glasgow; and Cantorbery, Canterbury?

Le Tire-botte a l'Odalisque. Six Entrees. Saute de Hannetons a l'Epingliere. Cotelettes a la Megatherium. Bourrasque de Veau a la Palsambleu. Laitances de Carpe en goguette a la Reine Pomare. Turban de Volaille a l'Archeveque de Cantorbery." And so on with the entremets, and hors d'oeuvres, and the rotis, and the releves. "Madame will see that the dinners are quite simple," said M. Cavalcadour.