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"Your geographical comparison is very natural for you; but as I do not pride myself upon my acquirements in that branch, I confess I do not see what it has to do with Mr. Cantari's smile." "You do not take music lessons, I believe, Miss Erudition; and perhaps the forebodings of examination day would be a comparison in which you would be more at home.

Cantari's smile, it reminded me of something like it that had happened years ago; it was that look, of those sun-browned, good-natured sailors.

I only hope poor Clara will not be reminded of it by the world into which she has fallen." "Now do tell us, Anna, what you mean by the world." "Why, the world is the people that laugh at every thing we school girls do. Not exactly that, but the people who know how every thing should be done, and give one of Mr. Cantari's smiles at our way of doing it; they do not always know how, either.

These coolies, as they are called, are just like horses here, and one never thinks of their having any will of their own, or any thought, but of trotting patiently all day under the palanquin. "What a wonderful adventure, to be sure!" "Well, I thought I had something to tell when I began. I am sure I know now what you mean by Mr. Cantari's smile.