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Everything has a soft look; the harsh glitter's gone and the air has not the sting it had. Somehow the calm's majestic. The pictures one sees of the mountains hardly give a hint; one feels this is the grandest country in the world, but it looks strangely unfinished." Festing laughed. "A few ranches, roads, and cornfields would make a difference?

The closing lines of the last are at the same time the moral of the book and the formula of the Arnoldian "note" "Calm's not life's crown, though calm is well. 'Tis all perhaps which man acquires, But 'tis not what our youth desires."

"He's a smart boy, that," remarked the mission skipper. "Rather too smart," growled Gunter, as he pocketed his salve and cuffs, and went on deck. "Smart enough!" remarked David Bright with a low chuckle of satisfaction. "Come now," said the Missionary, "you'll stop and have some coffee or cocoa with us. You can't work wi' that hand, you know. Besides, there'll be no fishin' till this calm's over.

There was a plant o' goldie-cups growin' out o' the stone just above 'er'ead. An' when I come to luke at 'er face, 'twas luvly, butiful, so calm's a baby's wonderful butiful et was. When the doctor saw 'er, 'e said: 'Er culdn' never a-done it in that little bit o' watter ef' er 'adn't a-been in an extarsy. Ah! an' judgin' from 'er face, that was just 'ow she was.